About Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta is the second most visited beach destination in Mexico after Cancún and attracts millions of visitors a year.

A city with sea, sun and beach recognized worldwide for its beautiful historic center, a beautiful parish and a boardwalk full of activities. Its geographical location is privileged, as it is framed by one of the most beautiful bays in the world (Bay of Flags) and the mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental.

It offers a relaxing and exotic change for those who want a place with sun, warm, beaches, friendly people, activities, reasonable prices and possibilities for retirement. Not for nothing was it also chosen as the best place for retirees in the world by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) in 2010.

Following changes over time, Vallarta has adapted and continues to offer the best in all aspects, the best hotels and resorts, all-inclusive, spas, championship golf courses, stores of the most recognized brands, gourmet restaurants, nightclubs , cafes and bars, everything a traveler wants, is found in the city.

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